Friday, May 19, 2006

no limbs, no limits - no worries

Nick Vujicic is a young man, 22 years of age, a resident of suburban Brisbane, Queensland. Nick has a positive approach to life, is outgoing and friendly, with a happy, cheerful personality. He has a smile that makes anyone feel comforted and at ease. But life hasn’t been easy for him.

His parents, both lifelong Christians, had eagerly anticipated the birth of Nick, their first child. But when he arrived, all his mother could say was, “Please, take him away!”

Nick, although generally healthy, had neither arms nor legs.
continued at No Limbs, No Limits

I think God is trying to speak to me this last week. First, a good friend of mine at the office texted me about his favorite cat who died. He's been really depressed, and i consoled him the best I could, but i know the feeling of questioning God...why? Then Jose made an entry on his blog about just worshipping God for what He is, and not for what he gives us. It's good to be thankful for our blessings, we should always be grateful for that...but we shouldn't miss the point of glorifying Him because He is great.

And then just this morning I read an email from the brother of my best (best best best) friend Jewel, about Nick Vujicic.

Nick is a motivational speaker with a heart for young people...his concern especially on the high suicidal rate among teenagers. But through him, a lot of lives were changed, people were inspired, and he continues to inspire today. (Actually there was a short article about him in Inquirer the other week, in the metro section). His disability makes it hard to do the simplest everyday things, but he's done far greater achievements for a young man in his twenties. I myself have a disability, but sometimes it is difficult to look past that and just be thankful.

Thank you Lord, for this little reminder.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
- James 1:2-3


i suddenly remembered a similar hero, right here in Manila! I've met him once or twice during our philmug (philippine mac users group) meetings... he's a creative director, a writer and an awesome speaker. he's the nicest guy and a fellow Apple lover, hehe. read more about juan and visit his blog at Fight Pompe. ü

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