Monday, July 06, 2009

adorable cookie boxes

love it!
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-7 copy
-8 copy

Mambajamba is a new kind of animal cracker that pairs two fun flavors
together. Cinnamon & Honey, Caramel & Vanilla or Original &
Pink frosted are a few of the varieties. The cookies are packaged in
two separate compartments that flip backwards to reveal a pop-up
animal. The packaging also aims to educate kids about different species
of animals. The different eyes on the front of each box as well as the
fun facts on left side of the box act as hints to indicate which animal
will pop-up on the inside!"
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marshmallow boxes?

cute...wasteful and unnecessary, but cute O_o
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Ford & Ching + Marshmallows- 06.26.09

Ford & Ching (Previously FordBrady, but Brady has moved on and Ching has joined Ford) ~ while at Dwell on Design this morning, i got a branded marshmallow in a box ~ a very cool little wooden box cut to perfectly fit a single marshmallow.
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Friday, July 03, 2009

Learn To Take Time Off

(a forwarded email ü)

Learn To Take Time Off

On the seventh day He rested from all His work. - Genesis 2:2 NIV

Are you tired all the time? Even after sleeping? Do you keep going to the doctor but he can't find anything wrong with you? You may be experiencing the symptoms of burnout. Long periods of overexertion can cause fatigue, sleeplessness and stress. Some other signals of burnout are crying for no reason, being easily angered, insecurity, negativity, irritability, depression, cynicism and resentment toward the blessings of others. Recognise any of these in yourself?

One reason God established the Sabbath was to keep us from burning out. The law of the Sabbath simply says that we can work six days, but on the seventh we need to rest; also to spend time worshipping God and having fellowship with His people. Even God rested after six days work. Now since God doesn't get tired, clearly He's giving us an example we should follow. In Old Testament times the land had to rest after six years. No sowing and reaping was permitted in the seventh year (See Exod 23:10-12). During this time everything recovered and prepared for future production.

We argue that we cannot afford to take time off. The truth is, we can't afford not to! You say, "But I would never get anything done if I did that." Then you're too busy and something needs to change in your life. When you're too busy to obey God's commandments, and even follow His example, you'll pay the price. What you sow, you reap. If you sow continual stress with no rest to offset it, you'll reap the results in your body, your mind, your emotions, your health and your relationships.

So, rearrange your priorities and learn to take time off!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Gianni Berengo Gardin: Photographer

interesting read today...

My most famous photo is the one of the vaporetto in Venice, with all those reflections…. Actually, for a number of years I didn’t even think it was a good photo. The problem with photographers is that you tend to measure the importance of a photograph by the effort needed to take it. If it requires a great effort, like climbing a cold and wind-swept mountain, you think that you have created a masterpiece, when really it ought to be scrapped. When Bischof returned from his travels, he didn’t choose his photographs personally but asked his wife Rosellina, who had stayed behind at home, to do it for him, saying, ‘She sees the image and judges that alone. She does not consider all the factors that lie behind the image, all the sensations I felt. There may be a place, a house, with a beautiful melody that still haunts me, but she can’t hear that piece of music, and therefore she isn’t influenced by it.’

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Thursday, April 02, 2009

CHOCOLATE apple pie...?

i think Gabe will want to try this one... =P
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Chocolate Apple Pie

I asked the baker/poster about it, and she mentioned something about having combined several different recipes. It still didn’t explain the name “Dutch apple tart’ to me. I was intrigued. And I still am. Especially because I’ve seen it all over—anywhere from Dutch apple tart and Dutch meatballs to Dutch split pea soup. It confuses me as much as it intrigues me. Is it a trend or something, to name a dish/recipe Dutch?

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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

i want...

i've been itching to try and make homemade pizza for the longest time... (but how to get the 450+ degree heat! *groan* the best NY and italian pizzas go up to 800...wah!)


Getting homemade pizza right is a real art, I used to make it a lot when I was a kid and slowly perfected it over the years! One of my favourite things to do was to try different topping combinations from Asparagus and Spinach, to Feta and Rocket. One of the great things about pizza is that it's just so customisable. I also recommend experimenting with the tomato sauce as it can really enhance the overall flavour. The main thing I find when mixing is always to make sure your dough is not too moist as this creates a really unpleasant doughy taste when cooked. Here is my standard recipe for a great pizza dough, I'm not sure where the original came from as I know it by heart!
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009


...something to try =)
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Recipe: Easy Ethereal Popovers


At the risk of waxing overly rhapsodic, popovers might just be the ideal winter food. In spite of their reputation as fickle and disaster-prone, these quick breads couldn't be simpler to make - and the reward of a piping hot, crusty bun will be worth 10 times the effort.

In the morning, whisk together a short list of ingredients, pop the pan in to bake, and finish getting dressed. Before you step out into the cold winter air, pull the steamy buns from the oven and spoon a dollop of good jam on top, or just eat them as is. They're also great dipped in a bowl of comforting winter soup. We pull the layers apart slowly, starting with the flaky and crispy outside, and finishing with the moist middle.

A variation of Yorkshire pudding, popovers are hollow, eggy, muffin-size breads. They "pop over" the sides of the pan as they bake, forming tall crowns with airy yet slightly custardy insides.

Check out how easy the recipe is:

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